Friday 22 December 2017


     Only two and a half more days left for Christmas day and the spirits are very festive. This past year I felt that I met so many people, experienced many funny times and others not so funny, but most importantly I learnt how to let go of things and certain feelings. The most difficult feeling for me is anger. I can't yet control it. It's as if I am standing on the edge of a cliff about to fall, and I know that I am going to fall if I don't calm down, but yet it is impossible for me. I keep thinking sometimes that our lives would be much better if people spoke their mind, truly, about what they want. If there is a conflict or a bad moment, talk about it the moment it happens. When we keep inside us regrets, anger and suppressed feelings, we only end up in a worse state of self. 
     For the new year 2018, I have decided that I won't let any worse situations or negative comments around me affect me. People have their own opinions for their own reasons and it stays like that. Being a person who doesn't express their own thoughts quite often, for fear of being judged or rejected, I will try to either voice my thoughts or take my mind somewhere else and let the negative person or comment be without it affecting me. Also, I would like to up my exercise a little bit more this year and maybe dedicate some time for personal care, like bubble baths. I know they are quite a luxury and not at all essential  everyday,  but sometimes we need to pamper ourselves and not punish them. I do the latter more than I should.

      Among all the holiday eating and drinking, I always make time to either make or buy some chocolate truffles. With extra alcohol inside, because...well Holidays. This year I decided to skip the traditional ones with just plain chocolate and heavy cream and add some extra flavour inside. I used some coconut oil and amaretto cookies and oh my, were they good! Now, if you feel like adding some healthy aspect to these truffles, you can use some matcha powder or mesquite meal to cover the truffles. Or simply skip that and cover them in pure cacao. Yum!

Holiday truffles with coconut oil & amaretto

ingredients (for 15 truffles)

100gr dark chocolate
100gr heavy cream
40gr coconut oil (melted)
20gr butter (melted)
10-20 small amaretto cookies, crushed in food processor
1 shot whiskey

topping: cocoa powder, matcha or mesquite powder

how do I make it?

1. First in a medium pan heat your heavy cream until it starts to shimmer. Be careful not to boil it. 
2. In another bowl place the dark chocolate in chunks and as soon as the heavy cream is hot, pour it on the chocolate and start mixing until the chocolate is completely melted. Then add the melted coconut oil and butter and mix again very well.
3. Mix in the shot of whiskey and cover with a transparent sheet. Place in the fridge for 2 hours at least or overnight.
4. In a bowl place the crushed cookies and take out your chilled chocolate. With a spoon, take some chocolate in your hands and place it in the crushed cookies trying to mix as much as possible and create a soft ball. Place the ball in a pan with baking paper on top.
5. Repeat the step until there is no chocolate left. Cover the pan again and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
6. Take the pan out and fill three bowls with cocoa, match and mesquite each. Then using a small spoon, take a truffle and swirl it around the cocoa or matcha, whatever you like, until the truffle is completely covered. Do the same for all the truffles.
7. Keep the truffles in the fridge when not eating or serving them.

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