Tuesday, 20 March 2018


     The spring season should be already here, but it seems like the global climate change doesn't agree with it. Norther and middle Europe is still battling with cold temperatures and snow. In the midst of everything, seasonal vegetables (from Spain) have filled up the supermarkets and it got me into thinking: what should I make next? It's been a long time since I made and posted a recipe. Bare with me guys. I am going through an emotional rollercoaster that is called "writing a Master thesis". It's almost over, I'm submitting in April, then I will be back to my normal habits and creative personality. 
     So, asparagus is everywhere right now. It's the hot item in vegetables, making every other vegetables feel unwanted. And what goes best with asparagus? Yes, eggs! I thought this time that a simple asparagus omelette wouldn't be enough to satisfy me. Since I had a lot of eggs to spare, a quiche was on its way.

     Quiche is a perfect snack or meal, if you eat it with some salad. It's so easy to make and honestly, you can use any ingredients you want. For this recipe I used some white asparagus, which I find easier to digest than green. I like green asparagus as well, but I feel that when cooked it's still a lot crunchy and it feels weird eating it. Of course, if you want you can use green asparagus in this recipe, it will still taste as good. For a kick, I added some turmeric or kurkuma in the egg mixture. It gave the eggs a sweet taste and some middle east vibe to them!

White asparagus, gruyere cheese and turmeric quiche


1 packet of quiche dough (make sure it's bio or doesn't have hydrogenated oil)
10 asparagus sticks (cleaned and cooked*)
1 or 2 celery sticks (cleaned and chopped)
4 eggs
1 teaspoon turmeric
100 gr grated gruyére cheese (grated)
1 cup full fat milk
1/2 teaspoon salt or more

*Note: Clean your asparagus by scraping the outer layer, starting from the middle of the stick towards the end. Let their heads as they are. To cook your asparagus you will need a big pot with shimmering water. Don't use boiling water as it would cook too much your asparagus. When the water is just starting to shimmer, put your cleaned asparagus and let them cook for 4 to 5 minutes. If they are too small, 3 minutes might be enough as well. Let them cool off after cooking.

how do I make it?

1. Preheat your oven to 160C. Use your dough and roll it out a bit. Then, if you're using a big pan just put it on the pan and shape it. If you're using smaller pans like I did, then take a pan on top of the dough (bottom on top) and using a sharp knife, cut out 1 cm around he shape of the pan. Do the same for all pans. Once you're ready to bake the dough, with a fork pinch the dough in several places, so that it doesn't rise when in the oven. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes. Then let it cool a bit. 
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs. Add the turmeric, salt, milk and pepper. Whisk again very well.
3. If you used smaller quiche pans, cut the asparagus in smaller pieces. If you used a big quiche pan, then you don't have to cut the asparagus. Fill the dough shells with the egg mixture. In the end, add the asparagus, chopped celery and top with the grated cheese. If you don't have gruyere, you can use any other mildly salty cheese.
4. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 170 C.

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